
Why Do 30% of New Hires Leave Within 90 Days?

Why Do 30% of New Hires Leave Within 90 Days?
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When you bring a new team member on board, the chances are that you intend to keep them for the long term. Recruitment drives take time and money, after all, and once you’ve found a great team, your company can be a whole lot more productive. Yet, a Forbes study has revealed that an astounding 30% of new hires leave within the first 90 days of starting a job, with many of those lasting less than 45 days. As well as setting you back to recruitment square one, this makes you look pretty bad as an employment prospect. It also means waving that great candidate, and everything they had to offer your company, out of the door. But, why do 30% of new hires leave so quickly, and how can you stop future recruits from doing the same?

Unrealised Job Expectations

Unrealised job expectations are one of the most common reasons for a post-hire exit, with 48% of people reporting that they’ve left a job for this reason. Gen Z respondents seem particularly liable to leave a job that doesn’t live up to its description with roughly 78% of respondents willing to walk. The most common areas where candidates feel recruiters have failed to deliver on their expectations include – 

  • Job responsibilities (59%)
  • Working environment (42%)
  • Work hours (35%)
  • Salary or benefits (29%)

Of course, recruiters have an obvious incentive to paint any role in a positive light. But, there’s a difference between doing that and misleading your candidates. To keep new recruits onboard, it’s vital to create realistic job postings that fully reflect each role and to post them on the right industry platforms. Equally, bringing recruits into the office before offering them the job can give a true reflection of what the workday looks like, and precisely how members of their team operate. 

Management Mismatches

Two in five employees will leave a job because of a bad manager, and many of those individuals will leave pretty soon after starting in their role. It doesn’t take long to judge whether a manager is a good fit, after all. Worse, an employee who instantly clashes with a member of your management team won’t yet have the loyalty to stick around and make it work.

Ultimately, this issue comes down to more than recruitment. Good, supportive, and fair managers are a key part of keeping even long-standing members of your team onboard. And, they’re best created via ongoing training, and improved management recruitment processes in the first place.

Unfortunately, some new hires may clash with even your best managers. The only way around that more personal issue is to involve all applicable managers in your recruitment drives themselves. This way, as well as providing an opportunity for all relevant managers to provide candidate feedback, you can arrange for each candidate to meet the manager they’ll work under in advance. If there’s an obvious discrepancy such as personality clashes or variations in working style, you’ll be able to tell right away that a potential hire isn’t the right fit. Equally, you’ll be able to see which of your considered candidates seems like they’d be happiest in the role. 

Complex Onboarding Processes

9 in 10 businesses experience employment abandonment during onboarding. That’s a problem considering that onboarding processes including contract signings, company protocol training, and team meetups are vital for helping new employees to settle and do their jobs well. But, onboarding can take up to three months in some cases and, more and more in the modern age, it’s becoming a surprisingly complex and dehumanising process.

Luckily, there are ways to simplify onboarding without compromising on its value. In particular, incorporating vital onboarding moments into your recruitment itself where reasonable can help to move things along. Onboarding procedures that you could easily incorporate into your late-stage recruitment include – 

  • Office walkarounds
  • Full team meets
  • Sharing of important policies or documentation
  • Preparation of contracts in advance

Each of these steps can break potentially overwhelming onboarding steps into bite-size chunks. Early onboarding amongst, say, your top two candidates, can also see your chosen employee starting in a timely enough manner that they’re still excited to be a part of what your company has to offer. 

A Lack of Progression

A candidate won’t have time to progress in your company within their first 90 days, but a lot of new hires will still leave a position if a company feels too stagnant. They’ll soon realise if their teammates have been trapped in the same roles for years, or if there’s no evidence of training in your offices. And, that’s a real buzzkill. 

Within recruitment itself, avoiding this issue ultimately comes down to honesty in your job postings. If you promise the sky, then it’s no surprise that your candidates expect it pretty quickly. By comparison, knowing about a longer time frame for progression should see a new candidate sticking around for longer.  

If you do make high claims about things like in-company training and promotional possibilities, be sure to put these into place early on. From the moment you accept a candidate on these provisions, revisit your job description, and start putting plans like those promised training sessions into place. Otherwise, you can hardly blame them for jumping ship.

Hold On To New Hires With HireHive

Losing a new hire can put a huge strain on your resources and your reputation, yet, with 30% of hires leaving within 90 days, it’s an eventuality that you can’t rule out. As well as needing you to assess how you operate in-office, holding onto new hires requires you to revisit the best, and most transparent, recruitment processes possible. 

Luckily, transparent recruitment is precisely what HireHive is here to help you with. For one thing, high-quality job descriptions posted across relevant boards, and saved for you to revisit, can ensure that you’re always delivering on job promises. Equally, HireHive enables complete hiring team recruitment to make sure your candidates always meet their managers in advance. When you pair these benefits with external recruiter portals that are perfectly poised to get the ball rolling on early-stage onboarding, it’s difficult to imagine any new hire leaving your fold. 

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